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Fireworks notice for pet owners

Knox Festival on Saturday 5 March will have a fireworks display at Wally Tew Reserve. Pet owners living in close proximity are recommended to prepare their pets to keep them calm and safe.

The fireworks display is scheduled between 9:50pm to 10pm.

Loud noises from fireworks displays can easily frighten pets. Out of panic, they may try to run away from the explosive sounds, and injure themselves in the process.

Pet owners are recommended to keep pets indoors before and during the fireworks display, to keep them calm and safe. This will prevent pets from hurting themselves outside, and running away from home.

Setting up a quiet area for your pet to rest and play inside, will keep them comfortable and happy. Closing the curtains, playing music, or having the TV on, will help mask the noise from the fireworks.

Further information on pet care during fireworks displays is available on the RSPCA website.

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