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Tips for a sustainable, low-waste Christmas

Celebrating the festive season can increase the volume of household rubbish by up to 30% going into landfill. 

Here are a few simple ways you can help to reduce waste this Christmas.

Use eco-friendly gift wrapping ideas

  • Recycle and reuse: Give leftover wrapping papers and gift bags a second life.
  • Fabric rather than paper: Wrap presents with fabric from unloved clothes or Christmas-themed tea towels.
  • Say NO to plastic bows: Decorate gifts with flowers, berries, or foliage for an eco-friendly touch.
  • Add a personal touch: Create DIY drawstring bags and tags from old cards or craft paper.
  • Tape free magic: Swap tape for reusable strings and ribbons that can be reused next year.

Focus on quality over quantity

  • Look for quality, locally sourced or handmade gifts and decorations at local community markets
  • Store decorations and reuse them each year
  • Repair items where possible instead of buying new to replace.

Shop second-hand

Consider buying pre-loved items first. Not only can it save you money, but often you can get quality items for less and reduce your impact on the planet.

  • Visit local op-shops as they are often inundated with items at Christmas time.
  • Before hitting the shops, check Facebook Marketplace, local community pages, or Buy Nothing groups for the item you want.

Bake, make or create

  • Put your creative or crafty skills to use and make your own gifts that cater to specific taste or style.
  • Get the kids to help make gifts, or bake and decorate cookies or treats
  • Create a family gift hamper of delicious treats like candied nuts, mini-Christmas puddings or shortbread cookies.
  • Keep an eye out for old items from around the house that can be upcycled or repurposed as decorations such as old Christmas cards, wrapping paper, glass jars and bottles, or even paint sticks or pinecones from the garden.

Rethink gift giving

  • Suggest a Kris Kringle / Secret Santa so everyone buys one gift of higher value rather than multiple gifts of lower value
  • Gift subscriptions for something they use regularly like fresh fruit or grocery boxes, a coffee subscription, or a toy library membership
  • Create memories, not waste by gifting experiences. For more ideas on kids gifts and experiences, visit The Rogue Ginger
  • Skip the shops altogether and give your time by offering your expertise or skills by building something they need, offer to babysit the kids, or to help with housework, cleaning or gardening.

Reduce food waste

  • Make a shopping list and check it twice!
  • Purchase items closer to when they will be used or with a longer use-by date to reduce spoilage
  • Give leftovers to guests, save them for Boxing Day lunch
  • Compost any leftovers in your food and garden bin or home compost.

For more information about how to dispose of items, see our A – Z rubbish and recycling guide.

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