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Council elections

Every 4 years, Knox residents and ratepayers vote to elect Councillors to represent our community.

The next Council elections will be held on Saturday 26 October 2024.

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is responsible for managing local Council elections.

On this page

Enrolling as a ratepayer

In a Victorian local council election there are two types of voters:

  1. State-enrolled
  2. Council-enrolled.

You have one vote in Knox. If you are a state-enrolled voter, that is the enrolment you use to vote.

State-enrolled voters

You must enrol and vote if you:

  • are 18 years or older
  • are an Australian citizen
  • have lived at your address in Knox for longer than one month.

For more information visit the VEC website.

Council-enrolled voters (ratepayers)

Some ratepayers can apply to become council-enrolled voters in Knox if they are:

  • a property owner, occupier or represent a corporation
  • 18 or older
  • not a State-enrolled voter within the Knox area.

These are known as council-enrolled voters. 

The rules for council-enrolled voters have changed ahead of the 2024 council elections.

These changes are explained below.

Owner ratepayers

You can apply to enrol in Knox if you: 

  • own property and pay rates in the council area
  • are 18 or older
  • are not a state-enrolled voter who lives in Knox.

This includes:

  • Australian citizens who own a property in Knox but do not live in the area (for example an investment or a holiday home)
  • non-citizens over 18 who own a property and live in Knox.

Up to 2 ratepayers can apply to enrol per property, but each person only gets one vote.

Enrol online as an owner ratepayer

Or download the owner ratepayer enrolment form [PDF 65 kB].

Occupier ratepayers

You can apply to enrol in Knox if you:

  • pay rates for a property that you occupy but do not own
  • are 18 or older
  • are not a state-enrolled voter.

Up to 2 people per property can apply to enrol, but each person only gets one vote.

Enrol online as an occupier ratepayer

Or download the occupier ratepayer enrolment form [PDF 68 kB].


You can apply to enrol to vote on behalf of a corporation if you:

  • are a director or company secretary of a corporation that pays rates (either as an owner or an occupier) in the council area 
  • have consented to being appointed as the corporation’s representative
  • are not already a state-enrolled voter or council-enrolled voter for the same council.

Only one person can apply to enrol as the corporation’s representative. 

Appoint a voting representative online

Or download the appoint a voting representative form [PDF 72 kB].

Silent voter

Use this form to lodge a request with Council’s CEO that your address not be shown on the voters' roll.

Silent voter online request 

Or download the silent voter request form [PDF 60 kB].

Resigning your enrolment

If you don’t want to vote for that property anymore, you can apply to resign your enrolment.

Expiry of enrolment

Occupier ratepayers’ and corporations’ enrolment expires before the next local government general election. 

If you want to continue to vote, you must apply to enrol again before the next local council general election (2028). 

Knox will send you an invitation when it is time to renew your enrolment. 

Owner ratepayers’ enrolment does not expire, but they can apply to resign their enrolment.

Failure to vote

Voting in the Council election is compulsory for all Knox residents who are:

  • aged 18 years or older
  • an Australian citizen
  • have lived in Victoria for at least one month
  • are enrolled on the State roll for an address in the Knox Council area.

The VEC is responsible for enforcing compulsory voting at local government elections.

Check your enrolment details and find more information on fines and reviews on the VEC website.

Become a candidate

To become a candidate in a Council election or by-election, you must be enrolled for the Council in which you wish to stand. Knox City Council divides into 9 wards and you can be a candidate for any ward in the Council.

The Victorian Electoral Commission provides information for candidates and parties for Council elections and by-elections.

Who can be a candidate?

To be a candidate for a local Council election, you must:

  • be an Australian citizen
  • be aged 18 years of age
  • be enrolled on the voters' roll for the Council in which you wish to stand
  • have completed the mandatory Local Government candidate training 
  • not be disqualified from being a Councillor. 

You cannot be a candidate for any of the following reasons:

  • you are an undischarged bankrupt
  • you have property that is subject to control under the law relating to bankruptcy
  • you are a member of Council staff of the Council. You can take leave from this role in order to nominate
  • you have been convicted of any of the criminal offences referred to in section 34(2) of the Act
  • you are a Councillor with another Council, including interstate Councils
  • you are member of an Australian parliament, including the federal Parliament or a member of parliament in any state or territory of the Commonwealth of Australia
  • you are employed by a federal or state member of parliament as a ministerial officer, a parliamentary adviser or an electorate officer. You can take leave from these roles in order to nominate
  • or you are otherwise incapable of becoming or continuing to be a Councillor.

Further details are outlined in the Local Government Act 2020.

Permits for election signs and materials on Council land

You must apply for a permit to display an election sign or distribute election material on Council land.

Applications are only considered after an election has been announced.

Apply for an election sign permit

Apply for permit to distribute election materials

Election signs on Council land must follow the election sign rules and a fee may apply. You will also need $20 million public liability insurance noting Knox City Council as an interested party.

Election signs on private property

One political sign of up to five square metres in area can be displayed on a private property for up to three months. Signs can remain no longer than 14 days after an election.

Election Period Policy

Council’s Election Period Policy ensures that the Knox City Council general elections are conducted in a manner that is fair, ethical and equitable.

The Policy is included within our Governance Rules, under section 69 of the Local Government Act 2020.

The last Council elections were held in October 2020. The VEC website has detailed election results for Knox.

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Contact us and we will come back to you.

Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.

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