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Future waste management initiatives

Knox is working with all levels of government and the waste and recycling sector to work toward a more sustainable future for waste and recycling.

The purpose of our Waste and Resource Strategy 2023–2030 is to set a clear direction and vision for the future of waste and resource recovery across Knox.

Plans for the future of waste in Knox

We are collaborating on the following projects:

Recycling Victoria: a new economy policy

In 2020, the Victorian Government announced its circular economy policy and action plan which will mean big changes to the services Council provides for our community in the future.

The policy sets out the need for more standard and consistent services, and new service initiatives of food waste services and glass service options. We have implemented the new food and garden bin services. We are currently in the planning and consideration stages for the glass service option with more information to come.

Find out more about Recycling Victoria: a new economy policy.

Advanced waste processing

The last landfill in our region will close in the next few years. Council has partnered with the Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group and other local councils to seek proposals from industry for a smarter way to deal with household rubbish.

The project is looking at advanced waste processing as a vital alternative to landfill by putting rubbish to good use instead of burying it in the ground.

About advanced waste processing

This initiative uses two main methods to process household rubbish:

  • Waste to energy – uses energy from waste to produce electricity, heat or gas
  • Advanced sorting and separation – extracts hard recyclables (such as metals) and treats food and garden waste to reduce the amount of organic material sent to landfill.

Find out more about advanced waste processing.

Waste and Resource Strategy 2023-2030

The Waste and Resource Strategy (2023-30) guides Knox City Council on all our waste related services.

See our Waste and Resource Strategy 2023-2030 

Need help?

Contact us and we will get back to you.

Or call our Waste Management team on 9298 8000.

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