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Knox Public Art Policy
The Knox Public Art Policy:
- outlines the purpose of the policy
- sets out the key objectives
- describes the Art Assessment Panel
- details resourcing public art and acquisition and management
- outlines our community engagement
Purpose of the policy
The Knox Public Art Policy provides a framework for managing public art in the area. It guides how Knox City Council handles resourcing, acquiring, managing, and promoting public art. The policy also offers guidance for community and private investors involved in public art projects.
Key Objectives
- Sustained Investment: Ensure ongoing financial support for public art.
- Acquisition Framework: Establish clear guidelines for acquiring and commissioning public art.
- Asset Management: Treat public art as a valuable civic asset, following best practices.
- Cultural Development: Foster arts, culture, and community pride through public art.
- Tourism and Engagement: Promote cultural tourism and encourage community involvement with public art.
- Innovation: Encourage innovative approaches to public art in Knox.
Art Assessment Panel (AAP)
The Art Assessment Panel is responsible for evaluating and recommending public art acquisitions and deaccessions. The panel includes council officers, community members, and at least one Councillor who acts as the Chair. Meetings are held as needed, and decisions are made through group consensus.
Resourcing Public Art
Public art in Knox is funded through various sources:
- Council Capital Works Budget: Allocating 1% of the total annual capital works budget, with a minimum of $200,000 annually.
- Major Infrastructure Projects: Applying a 2.5% "percent for art" model to projects over $2 million.
- Artwork Renewal: Allocating 0.8% of the total market value of the public art asset register for maintenance and deaccession.
- Partnerships and Grants: Seeking external funding opportunities and collaborating with developers on public art projects.
Acquisition and Management
Public art projects are initiated based on community needs, capital works, or collaboration across council initiatives. The acquisition process involves developing an Artistic Brief, assessing submissions, and selecting artworks based on a weighted criteria system. Public artworks are managed with planned maintenance and deaccession processes to preserve their value and lifespan.
Community Engagement
Knox City Council promotes public art through various initiatives, including local placemaking, cultural tourism, and public art trails. These activities align with council priorities and aim to enhance community engagement and enjoyment of public art in Knox.
Take action: Read the full Knox Public Art Policy to learn more.
Knox Civic Art Policy
The Knox Civic Art Policy:
- sets out the purpose of the policy
- describes our goals
- outlines the Art Assessment Panel
- details the acquisition and deaccession processes
- outlines the accessibility and maintenance of art works
Purpose of the policy
This policy guides the management of the Knox Civic Art Collection, ensuring it remains a valuable resource for the community. It covers acquiring, caring for, and occasionally removing artworks, with the goal of maintaining a high-quality collection that reflects Knox's cultural and historical values.
Collection Goals
- Acquire artwork based on clear criteria.
- Manage the collection using best practices.
- Make the collection accessible through public exhibitions.
- Support local arts and cultural development.
Art Assessment Panel (AAP)
The AAP advises on adding or removing artworks from the collection. It includes Council officers, community members, and at least one Councillor. The group meets as needed and makes decisions by consensus.
Acquisition Process
Artwork can be acquired through purchase, donation, or commission. The collection prioritises pieces in good condition, with clear ownership, and those that complement existing works. Special consideration is given to works by local or First Nations artists.
Deaccession Process
Artworks may be removed if they are damaged, lack clear ownership, or no longer align with Council values. A structured process ensures transparency, and items are often offered to donors or other institutions before being sold or destroyed.
Accessibility and Maintenance
The collection is displayed in public spaces and online, with some works available for loan to other institutions. The Council ensures that artworks are stored and maintained according to museum standards, with regular audits and insurance coverage in place.
This policy supports the vibrant cultural life of Knox and ensures that the Civic Art Collection is preserved and shared with the community.
Take action: Read the full Knox Civic Art Policy to learn more.
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