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Community Engagement Policy

The Community Engagement Policy gives you an opportunity to have a say and be listened to.

The Community Engagement Policy:


Our goal is to involve the community in our decisions. By listening to you, we understand your needs and priorities better. This helps us make decisions that benefit everyone.

Policy Objectives

The Community Engagement Policy aims to:

  • give you an opportunity to influence decisions
  • guide engagement practices
  • improve decisions and services for the community.

Engagement Approach

We use the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum. This model helps us plan the best ways to engage with the community.

LevelPublic Participation GoalOur promise to you
InformTo provide the public with balanced and objective information to assist them in understanding the problem, alternatives, opportunities, and/or solutions.We will keep you informed.
ConsultTo obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives, and/or decisions.We will listen to what you say and consider it when we make a decision.
InvolveTo work directly with the public throughout the process to ensure that public concerns and aspirations are consistently understood and considered.We will work with you to ensure your feedback is reflected in the decision.
CollaborateTo partner with the public in each aspect of the decision including the development of alternatives and the identification of the preferred solution.We will work with you as we identify issues and opportunities and develop solutions. We will consider your advice as much as possible when we make the decision.
EmpowerTo place final decision making in the hands of the public.We will implement what you decide.

Principles of Engagement

We follow these principles:

  • Meaningful: We give real opportunities for the community to participate.
  • Transparent: We explain how decisions are made and who makes them.
  • Respectful: We listen to the community’s values and needs.
  • Inclusive: We consider everyone and provide information in clear, accessible formats.
  • Informed: We give relevant information and enough time for the community to respond.

Planning and Reporting

Each engagement plan is unique and based on:

  • the decision’s importance and complexity
  • who is affected or interested
  • what the community needs to participate.

After engagement, we report back on:

  • what we heard
  • the decision made
  • next steps.

We aim to keep the community informed and involved throughout the process.

Take action: Read the full Community Engagement Policy to learn more. 

Need help?

Contact us and we will get back to you.

Or call our Community Engagement team on 9298 8000

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