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Parent groups - kindergarten

Parents can become more involved in the kindergarten care and education of their child by taking part in a parent group. 

At its meeting on 22 July, Knox Council appointed new providers to deliver sessional kindergarten in its buildings from next year. Find out more.


About parent groups

Parent groups provide opportunities to become involved in different ways. You can:

  • participate at your local kindergarten
  • connect with families at other kindergartens in your local area
  • work with Council through an Early Years Management Advisory Group.

Knox City Council provides support and training to parent groups.

Parent groups are incorporated associations. This means they can:

  • hold bank accounts
  • fundraise
  • organise purchasing of uniforms
  • assist in the preparation of newsletters
  • apply for grants
  • hold social events.


There are four key roles:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer.

You can also get involved in the parent group through:

  • fundraising
  • LINKs
  • Equiknox
  • Sustainability
  • Uniform
  • Communications
  • General membership.


Funds raised by the Parent Groups can be used in a number of ways throughout the year. They may include but are not limited to:

  • contributing to outdoor playspace upgrades
  • buying additional equipment (in consultation with educators)
  • art shows
  • special events
  • end of year activities.

Running costs

Parent Groups are not funded by Council. Groups are responsible for costs related to their own activities and any legal requirements specified by Consumer Affairs such as annual auditing prior to AGM’s.

Council are responsible for all bills and contract management relating to the kindergarten program. This includes all:

  • utilities
  • cleaning
  • gardening
  • equipment
  • garden and building maintenance.

Parent Groups can still contribute through Working Bees (or odd jobs) for minor repairs of equipment or gardening. This includes activities like installing a veggie patch or fixing broken equipment.

Social events

Social activities provide a great opportunity to connect with other families in the kindergarten community. Activities should be inclusive for all with some ideas being:

  • ‘meet the families’ dinner night
  • play days at the local park
  • discos
  • games night or arts nights.

Council would love to hear what social activities Parent Groups decide on so we can share this with all groups across Knox.

For more information, email [email protected] or call 9298 8000.

Need help?

Email [email protected] and we will get back to you.

Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.


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